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Beldawn Shetland Sheepdogs

Ö¿Please fill out the form:

If you are interested in purchasing a Sheltie, please copy and paste the questions below into the message section of the contact form, along with your answers, or just tell me about yourself, and the type of lifestyle you have and can offer to a Sheltie, should you chose to share your life with one.  You may also email me directly at

Beldawn Shelties Application


  1. Have you owned a Sheltie before?

  2. What has attracted you to the Sheltie breed?

  3. Do you own or rent your home?

  4. How many people live in your home, if there are children, what are their ages?

  5. Do you currently have any animals/pets?  If so please list species, breed, age, gender.

  6. What city & province/state do you live in?

  7. Do you plan to show your Sheltie in conformation, Rally Obedience, Obedience, Agilty, or any other venue?  Have you shown a dog in any venue in the past?

  8. Do you plan to breed or have any interest in breeding your Sheltie?

  9. Do you have any preference in regards to size, gender, colour, or age of your Sheltie?

  10. Please let me know if there are any questions you have for me!

Thanks for submitting!

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